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Dr. Peter Dufour

Change your Thinking
and Change your Life

Dr. Peter Dufour

Change your Thinking
and Change your Life

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Each year over 20 million Americans experience PTSD as a result of traumatic events, including but not limited to;

The result of experiencing these events is a negative imprint which is a message that has reached the core of the subconscious mind. The imprint does not need to be logical or sensible in order to affect us.

Every human being has experienced hundreds of positive and negative imprints. Imprints can give you talents or they can prevent you from achieving success.

Where Do Negative Imprints Come From?

When Do Negative Imprints Take Place?

Three Phases Of PTSD

The first phase is the original Impact Phase, followed by the Post Disaster Phase, and finally the Recovery Phase.

It is in the Recovery Phase that the individual will be able to discuss what they are still experiencing, and the situations that they would like to see altered in the weeks ahead. If the individual displays signals of trying to block some of the feelings, through the use of alcohol or other chemicals, it is time to help the individual begin the process of changing the way they think, feel, and respond to the original stressor. That help can be in the form of medical treatment, counseling, hypnotherapy, et cetera.

A description of the 3 Phases, and a PTSD Evaluation test can be obtained if you email .

Hypnosis in the Treatment of PTSD

Hypnosis provides controlled access to memories that may otherwise be kept out of consciousness. The use of hypnosis in the psychotherapy of PTSD victims involves coupling access to the dissociated traumatic memories with positive restructuring of those memories.

Hypnosis can be used to help patients face and bear a traumatic experience by embedding it in a new context, acknowledging helplessness during the event, and yet linking that experience with remoralizing memories such as efforts at self-protection, shared affection with friends who were killed, or the ability to control the environment at other times.

In this way, hypnosis can be used to provide controlled access to memories that are then placed into a broader perspective. Patients are taught self-hypnosis techniques that allow them to work through traumatic memories and thereby reduce spontaneous unbidden intrusive recollections.*

* J Clin Psychiatry. 1990 Oct;51 Suppl:39-43; discussion 44-6.
New uses of hypnosis in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder.
Spiegel D1, Cardena E.
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